TMCNHS Unofficial Blog has been created

This blog is a tribute to my former school Trece Martires City National High School, one of the best schools in Cavite Province.  My name is Joshua Orozco and I'll be the first administrator of this blog.

It is up to the school staff members, student leaders and ultimately the principal to decide if this will be their official blog but for now I'm going to title it 'TMCNHS Unofficial Blog'.

I encourage students, teachers, parents and the whole community to contribute to this blog. You can contribute by sending me an email to Make sure you have a gmail account so that I can help you to be one of the contributors. If qualified, you can be my co-admin

I decided to host this blog first so that others wont to. I believe I have the ability to manage this blog very well especially with the core files and custom design (you can look at my custom designed blog; if you don't know editing custom designed blogger templates can be very challenging). I've seen other blogs that aren't very well updated  and being left behind so I decided to take over first.

I'll will start with editing the templates (might take many weeks to many months) then inviting others to fill up the blog. Then after a long time I might hand the blog over to a school staff member  who knows how to use blogger.
