TMCNHS on Google Maps

There are now updated maps of Trece Martires City National High School (TMCNHS) on Google Maps. Here's the screen shot. There are now buildings, tracks and vegetation. Some of the buildings are 3D

Take note: Some of the building heights are only estimates.
  1. Covered Court 15 meters
  2. Stage is 12 meters
  3. New Science-Class buildings (I'm not sure if they are really science class buildings) are 10 meters high

Here's the google map iframe of TMCNHS. I also added extra lines on track and field near this school (circular track  or a.k.a. the Cavite Provincial Athletic Bowl, next to the 'Grandstand' on the right). At the time of this post, my edits were to be reviewed. So if you don't see them, probably the reviewers rejected my edits. If you can, then that GOOD NEWS!

You can also contribute to TMCNHS on Google Maps. Just sign up a Google Account (like sign up to Gmail, if you aren't signed up yet).  Go to Google Map Maker and add extra information about this school or to its buildings. 

Remember. Edit responsibly!
